Rep Roster

Evelyn Valentine
Clinical Reference Lab, Inc.

Joe Van Deusen
Urban Air Adventure Park Lenexa

Melissa Vancrum
Rouse Frets White Goss Gentile and Rhodes

Judy Veigl
Administrative Director
Global Ministry Center

Kim Verhoeven
Sr VP Revenue Development
Kansas City Monarchs Baseball

Alan Verrill, MD
President & CEO
AdventHealth Shawnee Mission

Mike Vietti
Vice President Marketing& Communications
Global Care Force

Dave Vodarick
President & COO
BV Contracting Solutions

Stephanie Volk
Safehome, Inc.

Chad VonAhnen
Executive Director
Johnson County Developmental Supports

Eric Vossman
McAnany Construction Inc.

Logan Wagler
Deputy Director of P&R
Lenexa Parks & Recreation

April Wagner
Office Manager
Union Horse Distilling Co. LLC

Elisa Waldman
VP Workforce Dev. & Continuing Ed
Johnson County Community College

Micah Walje
Regional Project Development Manager
Ronco Construction

Greg Walker
Youth Scoreboards LLC

Brian Wall
Wallaby's Grill & Pub

Mike Wall
Wallaby's Grill & Pub

Kevin Wallace
Vice President
HNTB Corporation

Amie Walter
American Family Ins./Brad Henry

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