Membership Directory Financial ServsNew SearchPrev1NextAccelefundProfilewww.accelefund.com8700 Monrovia St, Suite 310Lenexa, KS 66215913-274-1930Use your 401(k) or IRA as startup capital to start or buy a business, WITHOUT paying taxes or penalties on a withdrawal.Mickey Parker, CEOFinancial ServsAdvisors ExcelProfilewww.advisorsexcel.com8801 Renner Blvd, 3rd FloorLenexa, KS 66219866-363-9595Matt Beier, Director of Employee InitiativesCody Foster, Co-FounderTracey Stratton, Public Relations ManagerFinancial ServsEdward Jones/Tedd MaxfieldProfilewww.edwardjones.com11020 King St., Suite 102Overland Park, KS 66210913-499-1525Fax: 833-291-2649Financial ServsNew SearchPrev1NextMember Directory | Calendar of Events | Member Account | Calendar of Events | Members Bulletin Board